Saturday, March 13, 2010

Retiring Together We Can Website

As we approach the 2010 Council 40 Convention we need to look forward and support the needs of our members. I have posted one final message on the Together We Can website before it will be retired.

I continue to believe in Together We Can and through my work with local candidates have suggested to individual campaigns that by working together and combining their efforts and resources and using this message "Together We Can" they will promote "Community." All Politics is Local. Think about this last sentence and you will understand why I am a VIP member of PEOPLE and will continue to work hard getting the right people elected.

In the 1st CD we do not have the right person speaking for all constituents in Washington. During the next 6 years both parties need to find a person of the people not a career politician to represent us appropriately. Mr. Ryan's newest proposal to eliminate Medicare is just one reason we need to work very hard on this project. Thru his proposal to decrease taxes on the wealthiest 1% of our population is just another example of more of the same......

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